Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Experiences with Thomas the Train Railway Sets

I'm going to take a break from the usual discussion on this blog to discuss something my son has been playing with for the entire day: his Thomas the Tank Engine Train Sets.  He has three that he likes to play with.

Thomas' Busy Day
Sir Topham Hat - Wooden Figure 8 Set
Thomas and Friends: Zip, Zoom, and Logging Adventure

I have no idea what it is about this silly train, but my 3-year old is mesmerized by it.  The tv show is pretty boring and the characters always seem to be in bad moods. But come to think of it, my son hardly ever watches the show anyway. 

I guess he just has a fascination with trains just like a lot of us did.  I still remember my first train.  It was a Sesame Street train with an orange track.  I'll bet my mom still has it in her attic somewhere.  I still sometimes find myself counting train cars as they pass a crossing.

Either way, I'm glad my son enjoys his Thomas the Train toys even if I don't understand it.


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